CIP stock purchase and sale plan

The Computershare CIP plan provides stockholder of record and new investors with a convenient way to make cash purchases of Genworth Financial’s Class A common stock and to automatically reinvest dividends, when paid. Inquiries should be made directly to Computershare.

For more information and to obtain plan enrollment materials, please call 866-229-8413 or visit

All inquiries regarding this plan and any other inquiries related to stock transfer should be directed to:

P.O. BOX 43006
Providence, RI 02940

Telephone: 866-229-8413
Telephone: 800-231-5469 (hearing impaired)
Telephone: 201-680-6685 (outside the U.S. and Canada)
Telephone: 201-680-6610 (hearing impaired outside the U.S. and Canada)