What is Genworth Financial, Inc.'s stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on the NYSE under the symbol GNW.

When was Genworth Financial, Inc. incorporated?

Genworth Financial was incorporated in Delaware in 2003, and our initial public offering was completed on May 28, 2004. Genworth traces its roots back to 1871.

When did Genworth Financial, Inc. become a public company?

The IPO was completed on May 28, 2004.

Where is Genworth Financial, Inc. located?

11011 West Broad Street
Glen Allen, VA 23060
United States

When is Genworth Financial, Inc.'s fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is Genworth Financial, Inc.'s transfer agent?

P.O. BOX 43006
Providence, RI 02940
United States
T: 866-229-8413

Who is Genworth Financial, Inc.'s independent auditor?

1021 East Cary Street
Suite 2000
Richmond, VA 23219-4023
United States
T: 804-782-4200
F: 804-782-4300

How can I contact the Board of Directors?

Michael J. McCullough
Corporate Secretary
11011 West Broad Street
Glen Allen, VA 23060
United States

How can I submit an ethical concern or contact the ombudsperson?

Garway Bright
Corporate Ombudsperson
11011 West Broad Street
Glen Allen, VA 23060
United States

How can I submit an investor inquiry?

Brian Johnson
Head of Investor Relations
11011 West Broad Street
Glen Allen, VA 23060
United States

Who are Genworth’s named executive officers?

Visit our Corporate Leadership page.